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I continued pushing the scene today to get my hands over the different modes (Landscape, Foliage etc) and started building a Scotland-like set with Brushify Moorland.
Brushify Youtube channel is a great source for information about the tool, and there’s also a dedicated Bootcamp page.
Brushify is a great tool to quickly setup small to large scale environment – Clearly my goal later will be to dev it all, but at my level the content is a handy way to explore Unreal. Some pack were free recently (There’s some paying content for free each month on the marketplace, be sure to go take a look).
I’m really impressed so far with the user experience of Unreal, everything is pretty well organized, and there’s all the information I need in the documentation so far – So I went for a lazy Monday (Still in holidays here) and spent the afternoon dropping rocks & plants in the scene.
Nothing too serious, but here’s how it looks so far in the viewport – I haven’t look so far how to render images or use the sequencer. Told you it was a lazy day !
Clearly, everything needs to be improved, but I had a lot of fun setting the few differents bookmarks and play with the conditions.
Stay tuned!
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